Primary 4
🌟Welcome to our P4 class page🌟
Welcome to Primary 4 with Mrs Ward, Annette, Catherine and Charelle.
We are delighted to be back in school after our summer break and everyone has settled back in and is ready for the busy term ahead! Our class novel for this term is 'Fantastic Mr Fox'. We are really looking forward to going on an adventure with Mr Fox and his family as they try to avoid the three farmers Boggis, Bunce and Bean.
Through Numeracy we will be focusing on place value using 3-digit numbers, addition, subtraction, symmetry, properties of 2D and 3D shapes through various practical lessons and outdoor learning.
Our topic this term is the Rainforest. We will be locating different rainforests in the world using maps and atlases. We will learn about the different climates, weather, layers, animals and plants and its impact on people and places and contrast it to our forests.
Seesaw will also be used very frequently to inform you of any updates, to showcase and link learning with the home and to contact parents individually if needs be.
Thanks :-)
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St John’s Primary School, Carnlough, 49 Bay Rd, Ballymena BT44 0HJ Phone 028 28 885 646