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St John's Primary School, Carnlough

Babies, Babies, Babies!

6th Mar 2020

Primary 1 learned so much from having visits from a six week old baby, a six month old baby and a toddler this week. We looked at how babies grow and change from newborn to toddler stage.  The children could relate to their own personal experiences.  Thanks to the lovely mammies for taking the time to bring their babies to school. 


We we also had a special visit from Mary who told the children all about her role as a nurse working with babies to the elderly. Mary also showed the children how to check their pulse and how to wash their hands properly.  


A a great week of topic work in P1 this week. 


Next up......our nursery children, some P7s and a trip to the pharmacy to see how it helps make people better when they are sick.